Stuff for the sims 2

By Lidiqnata

new home 2022

Stuff for the sims 2

avatar by lidiqnata for sims 2

It's been a while...
Hi, let me introduce my simself - Lidiqnata, Lidi or simply L.

Being a CC creator for the sims 2 games for many years left a huge impact on the community.

Since I have retired - most of my stuff has been lost or became unavailable due to variety of reasons. Although I am no longer active - I do not wish my creations to disappear forever.
So, after a well thought plan, the idea to make a new website and re-upload everything is ON.

I'll do my best to keep it up, but If want to support this process - it'll be truly appreciated.
Super thanks to the patrons - Samantha E Scannell, CriminalMiik, Edward Murphy and LadyAquanine for making hosting this website possible!

05 December

AF Meshes

af mesh 01 by lidiqnata for sims 2 af mesh 02 by lidiqnata for sims 2

01 December

Roaring 20s

jazz patreon set by lidiqnata for sims 2

29 November

Open Eyes

open eyes set by lidiqnata for sims 2

25 November

Old Hairs

Hair 12 Hair 14

22 November

Four AF Dresses

af pink dress by Lidiqnata Stuff for the Sims 2

17 November

Victorian Hair

victorian hat with feather by lidiqnata for sims 2

14 November

TF Gym Clothes

gym clothes tf by lidiqnata for sims 2

10 November

Old Files

Beard by lidiqnata sims 2 Lips by lidiqnata sims 2