Stuff for the sims 2

By Lidiqnata

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custom meshes


elder female mesh 06 by lidiqnata for sims 2

new body mesh

Mesh EF06

Alpha dress mesh with bump-map enabled.
Has fat morph.
This is just a template texture - make your own recolours, using it as a guide.


FC:2362, VC:1624

elder female mesh 05 by lidiqnata for sims 2

new body mesh

Mesh EF05

Alpha dress mesh with bump-map enabled.
Has fat morph.
This is just a template texture - make your own recolours, using it as a guide.


FC:2606, VC:1740

elder female mesh 03 by lidiqnata for sims 2

new body mesh

Mesh EF03

Alpha dress mesh with bump-map enabled.
Has fat morph.
This is just a template texture - make your own recolours, using it as a guide.


FC:2856, VC:1950

elder female mesh 02 by lidiqnata for sims 2

new body mesh

Mesh EF02

Alpha dress mesh with bump-map enabled.
Has fat morph.
This is just a template texture - make your own recolours, using it as a guide.


FC:2420, VC:1628

ef mesh 01 by lidiqnata for sims 2

new body mesh

Mesh EF01

Alpha dress mesh with bump-map enabled.
Has fat morph.
This is just a template texture - make your own recolours, using it as a guide.


FC:2400, VC:1616

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