Stuff for the sims 2

By Lidiqnata

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dress that head


xm sims retextures 099 by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

XMS099 Retextures

Six natural color retextures of mesh by Float at XMSims. Mesh is included.

cazy hair 14 retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Cazy Hair 14 Retextures

Six natural color retextures of mesh by Cazy.

jill hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


Hair set comes in four natural colors and it's working for CF-EF.


FC:3344, VC:2401

jill hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
jill hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
jill hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
jill hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
newsea sweet dream hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

NewSea Sweet Dream

Six natural hair retextures with mesh by NewSea included.

peggy 04022 hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Peggy 04022

Six natural hair retextures with mesh by Peggy included.

coolsims hair 74 retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor


Six natural hair retextures with mesh 74 by CoolSims included.
All files have been compressed.

lily hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


Sleek Lily hair set comes in seven natural colors and it's working for CF-EF.


FC:2582, VC:1785

lily hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
lily hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
lily hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
lily hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
mandy v2 hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Mandy V2

Mandy hair set and 10 natural colors by me.


FC:3466, VC:2464

mandy v2 hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
mandy v2 hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
mandy v2 hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
mandy v2 hairset by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Stella Hairset

Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.
The two sets come in six natural colors.

All files have been compressed.


FC:3490, VC:2431

stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
stella long and short hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
Download Long
Download Short
Download all
teapot and cup hairs by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Teapot and Cup Hairsets

Two hairtyles for ya-ef only. You can use both in your game.
They come in four natural binned colors.

All files have been compressed.


Teapot-FC:4424, VC:3465

Cup-FC:1682, VC:1129

teapot and cup hairs by lidiqnata for sims 2
teapot and cup hairs by lidiqnata for sims 2
Download Teapot
Download Cup
Download all
newsea mesh innocent hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

NewSea Innocent

Six natural hair retextures wiht mesh by Newsea included.
All files have been compressed.

maxis redo hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Maxis Redo

Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.
The set comes in four Maxis colors.

All files have been compressed.


FC:1370, VC:987

maxis redo hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
maxis redo hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
maxis redo hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
maxis redo hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
bfly sims tt033 hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Bfly TT033

Six natural hair retextures wiht mesh included.
All files have been compressed.

nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


Working for toddler, child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.
The set comes in eight natural colors.

All files have been compressed.


FC:2266, VC:1827

nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
nadia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
donna hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.
The set comes in six natural colors.

All files have been compressed.


FC:3060, VC:2343

donna hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
donna hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
donna hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
donna hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
cool sims 86 hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

CoolSims 86 Retextures

Retextures of female hairstyle 86 by CoolSims.

This hairset comes in six colors and mesh included.
All files have been compressed.

cf hairs with hats by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Diana (two versions)

Two hairtyles for CF only. You can use both in your game.
They come in seven natural binned colors.

All files have been compressed.


V1-FC:3042, VC:2196

V2-FC:2750, VC:2066

cf hairs with hats by lidiqnata for sims 2
Diana CF Hair V1 by lidiqnata for sims 2
Diana CF Hair V2 by lidiqnata for sims 2
Download V1
Download V2
Download all
ann hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


A sleek hairtyle in six natural binned colors.

All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:3144, VC:2431

ann hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
ann hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
ann hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
ann hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
peggy 07033 hair retextures by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Peggy 07033

Retextures of Peggy's 07033 hairstyle.

This hairset comes in five colors and the mesh is included.
All files have been compressed.

brittany hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh


Long and sleek mesh with four natural binned colors.

All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:1828, VC:1447

brittany hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
brittany hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
brittany hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
brittany hair set ya/elder by lidiqnata for sims 2
brittany hair set teen child by lidiqnata for sims 2
Lila hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Forest Collection - Lila

This set comes with lots of lilies and five binned natural colors!

All files have been compressed.
Working for adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:6067, VC:4975

lila hair mesh by lidiqnata for sims 2
lila hair red by lidiqnata for sims 2
lila hair brown by lidiqnata for sims 2
lila hair black by lidiqnata for sims 2
lila hair black by lidiqnata for sims 2
lila hair blond by lidiqnata for sims 2
Leona hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

8kSims F006

Retextures of 8kSims's F006 hairstyle.

This hairset comes in six colors and mesh is included.
All files have been compressed.

Leona hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Long Wavy M

Conversion for males of this hairstyle by Nouk.

This hairset comes in four binned colors and gray for elders. All files have been compressed.
Working for toddler, child, teen, adult/young adult and elder male.

*Edit 03 March*
The hair was conflicting with the original and it's been fixed. Please re-download.


FC:2043, VC:1361

long wavy male conversion by lidiqnata for sims 2
long wavy male conversion elder by lidiqnata for sims 2
long wavy male conversion teen by lidiqnata for sims 2
long wavy male conversion child by lidiqnata for sims 2
long wavy male conversion toddler by lidiqnata for sims 2
Download *Fixed
XMS hair 053 by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

XMS053 Retextures

Four natural (Nouk textures) binned colors of XMS's flora 053 mesh.

The mesh is included.
All files have been compressed.

Newsea wishing tree hair recolors by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

NewSea Wishing Tree

Six natural binned retextures of NewSea's mesh - J018F.

The mesh is included.
All files have been compressed.

Leona hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Leona Hairset

This hairstyle comes with bangs and textures by Nouk.

This hairset comes in four binned colors and gray for elders. All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:3004, VC:2153

Leona hair mesh set all by lidiqnata for sims 2
Leona hair mesh set elder and teen by lidiqnata for sims 2
Leona hair mesh set adult and child by lidiqnata for sims 2
CoolSims 56 streaked hair recolors by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

CoolSims 56 Streaked

Five streaked natural retextures of Anto's mesh.

The mesh is included.
Not binned.
All files have been compressed.

silver hair m/f by lidiqnata sims 2

new hair mesh

Silver Hairstyle

This hairstyle works for both Male and Female.
The sets are not sharing a mesh, so you can choose to use both in your games or only one version, without keeping unneccessary files.

Male version works for CM-EM, while the Female version - PF-EF.
7 binned colors.
All files have been compressed.

This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.


Male - FC:4340, VC:3253
Female - FC:4384, VC:3263

all silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
ef em silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
af am silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
tf tm silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
cf cm silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
pf silver hair by lidiqnata sims 2
Download Male
Download Female
Download all
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Aphrodite gradients

Six gradient retextures on NewSea's Aphrodite mesh.

The mesh is included.
Not binned.
All files have been compressed.

Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors black by lidiqnata for sims 2
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors brown by lidiqnata for sims 2
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors red by lidiqnata for sims 2
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors dark blond by lidiqnata for sims 2
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors medium blond by lidiqnata for sims 2
Aphrodite Newsea gradient recolors light blond by lidiqnata for sims 2
Alice hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Alice Hairset

Alice is an intresting one. The hairstyle has an additional accessory, which you can get here.

This hairset comes in six binned colours, gray for elders. All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:3986, VC:2867

Alice hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
Alice hair elder adult young adult by lidiqnata for sims 2
Alice hair child teen by lidiqnata for sims 2
Zora hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Zora Hairset

This is the edited version with flowers. Get the one without them in Old Section.

This hairset comes in six binned colours, gray for elders. All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


FC:3476, VC:3037

Zora hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2
Zora hair mesh set adult elder by lidiqnata for sims 2
Zora hair mesh set child teen by lidiqnata for sims 2
cazy 11 by lidiqnata for sims 2

custom mesh recolor

Cazy hair set 11

Five vivid retextures on silver base on Cazy's hair mesh.

Mesh by Cazy is included.
Not binned.
All files have been compressed.

Amelia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Butterfly Hairset

Don't let these butterflies get away - catch them!

This hairset comes in six binned colours, gray for elders. All files have been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.
Credit for parts of texture/mesh go to Nouk.


This is a medium poly hairmesh - FC:6550, VC:5147

Butterfly hair mesh set
Butterfly hair mesh set adult elder age
Butterfly hair mesh set child and teen age
Amelia hair mesh set by lidiqnata for sims 2

new hair mesh

Amelia Hairset

Simple side braid in four binned colours. Gray for elders. All has been compressed.
Working for child, teen, adult/young adult and elder female.


This is a low poly hairmesh - FC:2660, VC:2372

Amelia hair mesh set
Amelia hair mesh set sides
Amelia hair mesh set adult and elder
Amelia hair mesh set teen and child
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