hair set
Hair With Feathered Hat
The hairstyle works for cf-ef.
Comes in four natural colors and each has it's own hat color.
FC:3662, VC:2767

By Lidiqnata
hair set
Hair With Feathered Hat
The hairstyle works for cf-ef.
Comes in four natural colors and each has it's own hat color.
FC:3662, VC:2767
hair set
Hair With Feathered Hat
The hairstyle works for cf-ef.
Comes in four natural colors and each has it's own hat color.
FC:2816, VC:2283
hair set
The hairstyle works for cf-ef.
Comes in four natural colors and each has it's own hat color.
FC:2082, VC:2672
hair set
This bonnet hairset works for teen-elder female.
Comes in four natural colors and each has it's own bonnet color.
FC:1020, VC:778
clothing set
AF Blue Outwear
Mesh by AAS included.
The website is no longer available, but some of the items can still be downloaded from The Sims Graveyard.
Go check it out - there are amazing Victorian stuff there.
hair set
Victorian Rose Hat
Another hair set with hat in four natural binned colors.
Mesh works for child, teen, young adult/adult and elder female.
FC:1349, VC:1474
clothing set
Victorian Shawl Dresses
This is the shawl set of "Victorian AlphaEnd Mesh".
Mesh has been updated recently, thus the set includes the fixed Mesh Victotrian Alpha End.
hair set
Victorian CF Braided Hairset
A braided hairstyle for child female only. The haristyle comes in four binned colors.
All files have been compressed.
FC:1752, VC:1505
hair set
Victorian Curls with Lace Hat
Two sets - with lace hat and without.
Mesh works for child, teen, young adult/adult and elder female.
Four hair textures - by Nouk.
FC:2508, VC:1858
new object mesh
Victorian Table Clock
Old table clock mesh. Use it as an alarm or simple decoration.
I couldn't animate the hands though.
Files have been compressed.
FC:602, VC:820
free patreon gift
March's Patreon tier
This month it's... Victorian!
The set contains 8 rug recolors of "Throwdown by Around the World Rugs" from Bon Voyage EP.
Maxis meshes are horrible to recolor, but I did my best.
Bon Voyage EP
child clothing set
Day Dresses
Three day dresses for your little girls with Mesh CF Victorian by me included.
All files have been compressed.
hair set
Hat Hairset V2
Fan of Victorian decade? Want more and more content? Well - you're in luck, as I'm not stopping uploading 19th century stuff.
Two sets - with and without hats. Child and Toddler age do not have hats.
The mesh is working for toddler, child, teen, young adult/adult and elder female.
All files have been compressed.
FC:4346, VC:3815
clothing set
Victorian set 11
Set of five victorian dresses for the ladies. All files work with Mesh Victorian Alpha End by me and it's included.
The dresses will show up for young adult/adult and elder female.
All files have been compressed.
clothing set
Victorian set 10
Set of five victorian dresses for the ladies. All files work with Mesh Victorian 10 by me and it's included.
The dresses will show up for young adult/adult and elder female.
All files have been compressed.
FC:2488, VC:1776
hair set
Victorian Riding Hat Hairset
Riding hat haristyle in four binned colors.
The mesh is working for young adult/adult and elder female.
All files have been compressed.
FC:2532, VC:1682
clothing set
Victorian Bustle Set
Set of seven Victorian bustle dresses for adults with Mesh Victorian 05 by me.
The mesh is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
clothing set
Victorian swimwear
Set of two Victorian swimsuits with Mesh Victorian Bloomer by me.
The mesh is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
clothing set
Victorian dresses with sleeves
It's getting harder to name all the sets, but as you know - new mesh, means new set. Eight Victorian dresses with sleeves.
Mesh Victorian Sleeved is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
FC:2484, VC:1740
clothing set
Riding Victorian dresses
New mesh, new clothing set - five riding Victorian dresses for adult female.
Mesh Victorian 06 by me is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
clothing set
Victorian set 04
New mesh means new clothing set - six Victorian dresses for adult female.
Mesh Victorian 04 by me is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
FC:2296, VC:1628
hair set
Gibson Girl
Iconic hairstyle of the Victorian age - Gibson Girl.
The mesh is working for all ages and there are four binned colors.
All files have been compressed.
Credit for parts of texture/mesh go to Nouk.
FC:2268, VC:1629
clothing set
Seven 1900s dresses
Enjoy more classic Victorian dresses for your ladies.
Mesh 1900s by me is included and it's sharing all recolors.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.
clothing set
Big Victorian dresses
Four dresses for YAF/AF/EF, sharing Mesh Victorian Big Dress by me.
All files have been compressed.
This is a grouped upload - use the thumbnails to choose the one you like or download all below. Each link, includes the required mesh.